Nitya’s Swapnil Agarwal Interviews for ABC13

Nitya Capital is thrilled to have its very own Swapnil Agarwal featured in an upcoming news segment with ABC13’s Live on Location.
The Live on Location segment focuses primarily on bringing attention to key businesses, events, entrepreneurs, etc. within the Houston area, informing the public on the comings and goings of everything happening within the city.
This segment, airing on Thursday, November 19th at 11:25 am, will feature an informative introduction to the concept of real estate investment crowdfunding as well as a brief explanation of Nitya Capital’s online crowdfunding platform, and all straight from the mouth of our wonderful CEO.
We are so honored and pleased to be part of this excellent opportunity and we encourage everyone to tune in this Thursday to learn more about why Nitya Capital is helping investors redefine their real estate options!