
Nitya Capital Offers Support Following Major Texas Winter Storm

At Nitya Capital’s main headquarters in Houston, Texas, we are certainly no stranger when it comes to bad weather, especially during hurricane season. But none of us foresaw the deadly impacts a major winter storm could have on both the area and the state at large.

For the first time in over a hundred years, Houston faced a freezing weather situation unlike any other, taking out electricity, running water, internet, and all the comfortable modern conveniences that we sometimes take for granted in our everyday lives. Our hearts go out to everyone impacted by the winter storm as we have never forgotten the impact that Hurricane Harvey left on our Houston community. In this case, other Texas cities were impacted as well, from Dallas to San Antonio, to Austin, and more. So many civilians had to endure deeply uncomfortable, freezing conditions and for that, your courage in the face of danger has our deepest everlasting respect.

While the past week has been an exhausting challenge for so many Texans, Nitya Capital has stayed strong and durable throughout the storm, keeping both our staff and our properties safe as we braved through the storm together. Our teams are deeply important to us and we made sure they were always in a safe place throughout the week.

Going forward, we will continue to pursue our goals within the investing world while also being mindful of the damage the freeze has brought to our great Texas cities. We know that the winter storm has left many astray during these difficult times. We want to offer a hand of support and comfort during this complicated period of Texas history. Both our investors and the citizens of Texas are never far from our thoughts and we can’t wait for warmer weather in the days ahead.

On behalf of Nitya Capital, stay warm and stay safe! We are always here for you and we know that better days are waiting for us all on the other side.